A constructor that creates a unique qid number based on the parameters passed to it. If it is called without parameters, then the type will be STYX_QID_TYPE.QTFILE and zero values for the remaining parameters.
An alias for easier packing into a byte array without having to manually call the pack() method
Get path from Qid object
Get Qid type from Qid object
Get version from Qid object
Pack to bytes array
Set path from unsigned value
Set type from STYX_QID_TYPE value
Set version from unsigned value
Convenient string representation of an object for printing
Unpack from bytes array
Pack (serialize) Styx object to byte array
Unpack (deserialize) Styx object from byte array
A class that provides a type for the qid field in some Styx messages. Inherits methods from the StyxObject class.