// Written in the D programming language.

Constants for representing the base error messages in 9P / Styx protocol. 

Copyright: LightHouse Software, 2021
License:   $(HTTP https://github.com/aquaratixc/ESL-License, Experimental Software License 1.0).
Authors:   Oleg Bakharev,
		   Ilya Pertsev
module styx2000.protoconst.errors;

/// Typical error messages in Styx
	/// Out of memory error
	ENOMEM    =  "Out of memory",
	/// Permission error
	EPERM     =  "Permission denied",
	/// No free devices error
	ENODEV    =  "No free devices",
	/// I/O hangup
	EHUNGUP   =  "I/O on hungup channel",
	/// File exists error
	EEXIST    =  "File exists",
	/// File does not exist
	ENONEXIST =  "File does not exist",
	/// Bad command error
	EBADCMD   =  "Bad command",
	/// Bad arguments
	EBADARG   =  "Bad arguments"