1 // Written in the D programming language.
3 /**
4 Module for various type representation and conversions between types.
5 Mainly for service use, however, the module contains two useful helpers for working with messages and their objects: fromStyxObject and toStyxObject. 
6 The module is not automatically connected with the import of the protoconst package, so manual connection is required to use it. 
8 Copyright: LightHouse Software, 2021
9 License:   $(HTTP https://github.com/aquaratixc/ESL-License, Experimental Software License 1.0).
10 Authors:   Oleg Bakharev,
11 		   Ilya Pertsev
12 */
13 module styx2000.protomsg.typeconv;
15 private import styx2000.protobj;
17 /// Alias for type tuple
18 alias Tuple(E...) = E;
20 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
21 /// `size[4] Tversion tag[2] msize[4] version[s]`
22 alias Tversion = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Msize, Version);
24 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
25 /// `size[4] Rversion tag[2] msize[4] version[s]`
26 alias Rversion = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Msize, Version);
28 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
29 /// `size[4] Tauth tag[2] afid[4] uname[s] aname[s]`
30 alias Tauth = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Afid, Uname, Aname);
32 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
33 /// `size[4] Rauth tag[2] aqid[13]`
34 alias Rauth = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Aqid);
36 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
37 /// `size[4] Rerror tag[2] ename[s]`
38 alias Rerror = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Ename);
40 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
41 /// `size[4] Tflush tag[2] oldtag[2]`
42 alias Tflush = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Tag);
44 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
45 /// `size[4] Rflush tag[2]`
46 alias Rflush = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag);
48 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
49 /// `size[4] Tattach tag[2] fid[4] afid[4] uname[s] aname[s]`
50 alias Tattach = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid, Afid, Uname, Aname);
52 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
53 /// `size[4] Rattach tag[2] qid[13]`
54 alias Rattach = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Qid);
56 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
57 /// `size[4] Twalk tag[2] fid[4] newfid[4] nwname[2] nwname*(wname[s])`
58 alias Twalk = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid, Fid, Nwname);
60 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
61 /// `size[4] Rwalk tag[2] nwqid[2] nwqid*(wqid[13])`
62 alias Rwalk = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Nwqid);
64 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
65 /// `size[4] Topen tag[2] fid[4] mode[1]`
66 alias Topen = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid, Mode);
68 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
69 /// `size[4] Ropen tag[2] qid[13] iounit[4]`
70 alias Ropen = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Qid, Iounit);
72 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
73 /// `size[4] Tcreate tag[2] fid[4] name[s] perm[4] mode[1]`
74 alias Tcreate = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid, Name, Perm, Mode);
76 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
77 /// `size[4] Rcreate tag[2] qid[13] iounit[4]`
78 alias Rcreate = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Qid, Iounit);
80 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
81 /// `size[4] Tread tag[2] fid[4] offset[8] count[4]`
82 alias Tread = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid, Offset, Count);
84 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
85 /// `size[4] Rread tag[2] count[4] data[count]`
86 alias Rread = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Count, Data);
88 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
89 /// `size[4] Twrite tag[2] fid[4] offset[8] count[4] data[count]`
90 alias Twrite = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid, Offset, Count, Data);
92 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
93 /// `size[4] Rwrite tag[2] count[4]`
94 alias Rwrite = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Count);
96 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
97 /// `size[4] Tclunk tag[2] fid[4]`
98 alias Tclunk = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid);
100 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
101 /// `size[4] Rclunk tag[2]`
102 alias Rclunk = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag);
104 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
105 /// `size[4] Tremove tag[2] fid[4]`
106 alias Tremove = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid);
108 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
109 /// `size[4] Rremove tag[2]`
110 alias Rremove = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag);
112 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
113 /// `size[4] Tstat tag[2] fid[4]`
114 alias Tstat = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid);
116 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
117 /// `size[4] Rstat tag[2] stat[n]`
118 alias Rstat = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Stat);
120 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
121 /// `size[4] Twstat tag[2] fid[4] stat[n]`
122 alias Twstat = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag, Fid, Stat);
124 /// This tuple of types mimics the structure of the corresponding message, which looks like this:
125 /// `size[4] Rwstat tag[2]`
126 alias Rwstat = Tuple!(Size, Type, Tag);
128 /// Is one of StyxObject class ?
129 template isStyxObject(T)
130 {
131 	enum bool isStyxObject = is(T == Afid) || is(T : Qid) || is(T == Count)|| is(T == Data) || is(T : Name) || is(T : Fid) || is(T == Iounit) || 
132 							 is(T == Mode) || is(T == Msize) || is(T == Nwname) || is(T == Nwqid) || is(T == Offset) || is(T == Perm) || 
133 							 is(T == Size) || is(T == Stat) || is(T == Tag) || is(T == Type) || is(T == Version); 
134 }
136 /// Casts from StyxObject class
137 auto fromStyxObject(T)(StyxObject obj) if (isStyxObject!T)
138 {
139 	return cast(T) obj;
140 }
142 /// Casts to StyxObject class
143 auto toStyxObject(T)(T obj) if (isStyxObject!T)
144 {
145 	return cast(StyxObject) obj;
146 }