Some kinds of error that are not included in protoconst/errors module


ECONTAINSSLASH"slash in path element"

Slash in path element

EINVALIDMSGTYPE"invalid message type"

Invalid message type

EINVALIDQIDTYPE"invalid type field in qid"

Invalid message type

EINVALIDUTF8"string is not valid utf8"

String is not valid utf8

ELONGANAME"aname field too long"

Field aname is too long

ELONGFILENAME"file name too long"

File name too long

ELONGSIZE"size field is longer than actual message size"

Size field is longer than actual message size

ELONGLENGTH"long length field in stat structure"

Long length field in stat structure

ELONGSTAT"stat structure too long"

Structure for stat is too long

ELONGUSERNAME"uid or gid name is too long"

Name for uid or gid is too long

ELONGVERSION"protocol version string too long"

Protocol version string too long

EMAXOFFSET"maximum offset exceeded"

Maximum offset exceeded

EMAXWELEM"maximum walk elements exceeded"

Maximum walk elements exceeded

ENULLSTRING"NUL in string field"

NUL in string field

EOVERSIZE"size of field exceeds size of message"

Size of field exceeds size of message

ESHORTSTAT"stat structure too short"

Structure for stat is too short

ETOOBIG"message is too long"

Message is too long

ETOOSMALL"message is too small"

Message is too small

EUNDERSIZE"empty space in message"

Empty space in message

EZEROLEN"zero-length message"

Zero length message

EMAXSIZE"message exceeds msize"

Message size exceeds msize

ENEEDNOTAG"STYX_NOTAG(0xffff) required for T_Version"


E9P2000ONLY"only 9P2000 protocol version"

Only 9P2000 allowed

ENOAUTH"no authentication required"

No authentication required

ENEEDNOFID"no authentication fid required"

No authentication fid required

ENOALTROOT"alternate root requested unavailable"

Alternate root requested unavailable

EINVALIDFID"supplied fid invalid"

Supplied fid invalid

ENOTDIR"not a directory"

Not a directory

EALREADYOPEN"file already open"

File already opened

ENOTFOUND"not found"

Not found

ENOTOPEN"file not opened"

Not opened

EBADOFFSET"bad offset"

Bad offset

EBOTCH"9P protocol botch"

Botch 9P

ECREATENONDIR"create in non-directory"

Create in non directory

EDUPFID"duplicate fid"

Duplicate fid

EDUPTAG"duplicate tag"

Duplicate tag

EISDIR"is a directory"

Is directory

ENOCREATE"create prohibited"

Create prohibited

ENOREMOVE"remove prohibited"

Remove prohibited

ENOSTAT"stat prohibited"

Stat prohibited

ENOWSTAT"wstat prohibited"

Wstat prohibited

EBADDIR"bad directory in wstat"

Bad directory in W_STAT

EWALKNOTDIR"walk in non-directory"

Walk in non directory
